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Grownfolk Talkin' Progressive Network Endorses Debra Salters for Newark Board of Education

Dear sister Salters, we here at the Grownfolk Talkin' Progressive Network, extend the heartiest of endorsements to you in your bid for a seat on the Newark Board of Education; in the upcoming April 16, 2024 election.

Your tireless, unselfish, and unrelenting dedication, to the spiritual, educational and overall confidence-building, life and living best practices for the children of Newark and their families; are highly commendable

on both the Cognitive and Affective levels.

We encourage all Newarkers, to come out and vote on April 16th, because you are " our now," in the struggle to Combat Systemic Racism Through Education, for today and tomorrow!

We don't need a team, from the "more of the same," do-nothing old guard; enemies of our nation and our people!

We encourage everyone to vote A1, to get the job done!

You are indeed, a credit to us!!!!!!

Sanford Joseph Williams, Africana Studies Educator, in pursuit of Afrocentricity, excellence and authenticity. (formerly of Weequahic High School in Newark NJ from 1969-1986)

Currently, host of the Combating Systemic Racism Through Education Podcast series.

Call in number: (520) 525-8633 

Contacts/Phone numbers: (862) 353-0933

or (571) 910-3903

Email Address: 

MARCH 31, 2024

3:25 am EST 

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